Huck Bobtail Standard Collar - Steel

Brands you know and trust - Huck

BobTail. The latest generation Huck Lock Bolt fastener.  

BobTails have been engineered with no pintail, eliminating waste and maximising safety. Unlike conventional nuts and bolts with gaps on the tread when tighten, the BobTail ensures full steel to steel contact, delivering a secure connection that can be easily checked for quality control - clever hah!

Huck has also introduced a range of innovative quick and quite BobTail tools that reduces repetitive stress injuries

BobTail key features

  • Faster and easier installation & quality control 
  • Ergonomically designed lightweight Bobtail tooling
  • Vibration resistance & superior shear/tensile strength.
  • Safe (no pintail) and silent operations

Authorised Distributor Since 1993. Trust us with Huck®




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