Open End Rivets

The standard rivet for general purpose applications.

This rivet is the go-to type for fastening materials together. They are a viable choice for just about anything that can be riveted. A low cost fastener that comes in a range of different materials including steel, stainless steel, aluminium and a combo of material. With a wide range of head styles; Dome head, Large Flange or Truss head, and Countersunk head, also known as flush head. Check the Rivet Blog or the Rivet-Tool Blog.    
Open End Rivet - Aluminium/Steel

1820180015001300 From $14.30 Incl. GST(Box of 250)

Open End Rivet - All Steel

250023001500 From $16.50 Incl. GST(Box of 500)

Open End Rivet - All Aluminium

1580 From $17.38 Incl. GST(Box of 1000)

Open End Rivet - All Stainless

60004730 From $52.03 Incl. GST(Box of 1000)